TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station Installation Manual
LCD Brightness
The LCD screen (Figure 8 below) displays the currently selected value, and the
range of acceptable values, of LCD screen brightness during activity (when either
the LCD screen or a button is pressed).
Figure 8: LCD Brightness screen
Press the buttons that correspond to the desired value from 1% to 100% levels,
and then press the # button (or press Enter # key) to apply the new value.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions.
Button Brightness
The LCD screen displays the currently selected value, and the range of
acceptable values, levels of button brightness during activity (when either the
LCD screen or a button is pressed).
Press the buttons that correspond to the desired value from 0% to 100%, and
then press the # button (or press Enter # key) to apply the new value.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions.
Button Inactive Brightness
The LCD screen displays the currently selected value, and the range of
acceptable values of button brightness following the period of inactivity defined in
“10-Inactivity Period” below.
Press the buttons that correspond to the desired value from 0% to 100%, and
then press the # button (or press Enter # key) to apply the new value.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions.