TS1001 Touch Screen Arming Station Installation Manual
Button Brightness
Tap the slider bar to adjust the button brightness during activity (when either the
LCD screen or a button is pressed). The brightness changes dynamically as you
change the settings.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions.
Button Inactive Brightness
Tap the slider bar to adjust the button brightness during inactivity. The brightness
changes dynamically as you change the settings. The brightness will reduce
following the period of inactivity defined in
“Inactivity Period” below.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions. A value of 5% can help locate an inactive RAS in the dark.
Inactivity Period
Tap the slider bar to select from 5 to 300 seconds of inactivity before the inactive
brightness levels apply.
We recommend using smaller values in order to minimise power use in
mains fail conditions.
Tap the slider bar to select from 0% to 100% levels of beeper volume. The
volume changes dynamically as you change the settings.
Programming RAS menu options
Touch Screen RASs have a number of options that are programmable at the time
of installation to help integrate the RAS into the local environment.
If you are programming via this RAS, you can also use the Install menu
option “This RAS Configuration” (graphic mode only) to program the screen’s
brightness and timeout settings. See “Adjusting LCD and button brightness” on
page 12.
Use the following steps to configure a Touch Screen RAS at address
is a RAS address in the range 1 to 16 and 65 to 80).
To program RAS menu options:
1. Use the Install menu option 28
–Remote Controllers, and then select option
2. Press the buttons that correspond with RAS address
, and then press the
# button (or press the Enter # key). The main menu displays and lists the
product name and firmware revision number.
The RAS menu options are described in the following sections.