16) Prestare attenzione quando si lavora in alto.
Quando lavorate in luoghi alti prestate attenzione che nessuno si trovi sotto di voi.
17) Tenere pulito il foro di ventilazione del carica batterie.
Tenere libero il foro di ventilazione del carica batterie da scorie metalliche e materiali infiammabili che
potrebbero causare scariche elettriche o danni. Evitare di usare il carica batterie in luoghi polverosi.
18) Interrompere la carica in presenza di anomalie.
Se rilevate calore eccessivo o altre anomalie durante la carica, interrompetela immediatamente e lasciate
riparare il carica batterie.
19) Conservate il carica batterie correttamente.
Conservate il carica batterie in un luogo asciutto, lontano dalla portata dei bambini e dove la temperatura
non supera i 40 °C. Non conservarlo mai sotto le grondaie dove potrebbe cadere la pioggia. Il deterioramento
dell’isolamento elettrico potrebbe causare scariche elettriche.
1. Hold the tool firmly.
When you turn on the tube flanger and the flanging cone starts rotating, the hand you use to hold the tool may receive a jolt;
Be careful not to knock into objects around you.
2. Only use the specific battery charger.
Always use the specific charger supplied: it is dangerous to charge with a different charger so do not attempt to do so. Do not
try to use the charger to charge other tools, batteries or any other devices.
3. Avoid using other amplifiers or transformers for charging .
Damage may occur to the battery charger; Always use a power supply of 220V.
4. Never charge with an engine generator or DC power supply.
Do not use an engine generator or a source of DC power for charging: the charger could be damaged.
5. Always charge in a closed environment
When you are charging, prevent the battery or the charger from getting wet; charge indoors.
Do not put the charger near an open flame.
The battery and charger may become warm while charging; choose a dry, well-ventilated place that is not exposed to direct
6. Moisture can cause accidents.
Do not attempt to charge or use the product in the rain or in wet or damp places: moisture can cause electric shocks, as well
as reduce the insulation of the charger or motor.
Always avoid humidity.
7. Disconnect the battery charger once charging is complete.
Unplug the charger cable from the electric socket when charging is complete. In the event of power failure, always remove
the charger cable from the socket.
8. Perform the charge at a temperature of between 5°C and 40°C.
This product uses a special charging circuit for rapid charging (about 1 hour). The charge must always be made within a
temperature range of between 5 and 40°C; below 5°C an excessive charge may occur that reduces the life of the charger.
Above 40°C it may not be possible to recharge the battery. The most suitable temperature range is between 20 and 25°C.
9. Do not charge continuously with the same charger
If you use the same charger to charge more than one tube flangers at the same time, the battery charger may be damaged
due to overheating.
Once chargeed, let the charger stand for at least 15 minutes before using to charge again.
Normally, at an ambient temperature of about 20°C, it will take about 1 hour to fully charge the tube flanger, at which point
the indicator light goes off. However, below 20°C the indicator light may continue to stay on also after 1 hour.