TE470/TE480 Instruction
The HOLD TIME parameter indicates the time that elapses from the end of the welding process to the opening
of the electrodes. It allows a quicker cooling of the welding spot and prevents the spot from being stimulated
before being properly cooled.
The OFF TIME parameter indicates a welder wait time, namely the one that elapses from one welder cycle to
the next one when the welder is working in automatic cycle.
When this value is set to 0, the welder always works in single cycle; if it is set to another value, the welder will
work in the automatic cycle.
When the machine works in single cycle, the control unit carries out only one welding cycle each time it receives
a cycle start signal.
When the machine works in automatic cycle, the welder continuously carries out welding cycles until the cycle
start signal ceases.
The meaning of this parameter depends on the control mode selected in the CONTROL MODE parameter.
In current control mode (CONTROL MODE = CUR), the CURR. MIN parameter fixes a minimum current limit
value. For each weld performed, the TE470/TE480 checks that the current supplied by the welder is greater than
the value set in this parameter. Otherwise an error occurs (see specific paragraph).
In degrees control mode (CONTROL MODE = DEG), the ANGLE MIN parameter fixes a minimum conduction
angle limit value. For each weld performed, the TE470/TE480 checks that the max conduction angle of the
supplied welding current is greater than the value set in this parameter. Otherwise an error occurs (see specific
The meaning of PRM17 turns into PRESSURE (see next description of PRM19) when instead the CONTROL
MODE is set to NO (welding current control OFF) and the PR. VALVE parameter (present in the SETUP MENU)
is set to ON (proportional valve ON).
If the CONTROL MODE parameter is set to NO and the PR. VALVE parameter is set to OFF (proportional valve
OFF), the PRM17 parameter is not displayed during the programming.
The meaning of this parameter depends on the control mode selected in parameter CONTROL MODE.
When the control unit is set to current control mode (CONTROL MODE=CUR), the CURR. MAX parameter fixes
a maximum current limit value. For each weld, the TE470/TE480 checks that the current supplied by the welder
is lower than the value set in this parameter. Otherwise an error occurs (see specific paragraph).
When the control unit is set to degree control mode (CONTROL MODE=DEG), the ANGLE MAX parameter fixes
a maximum conduction angle limit value. For each weld, the TE470/TE480 checks that the maximum conduction
angle of the supplied welding current is lower than the value set in this parameter. Otherwise an error occurs
(see specific paragraph).
If the CONTROL MODE parameter is set to NO (no control on the welding current), the parameter is not
displayed during the programming.
This parameter, expressed in bars, expresses the welding pressure and is used only when the proportional
valve is present in the pneumatic system. The set value should guarantee a suitable tightening torque during the
weld since an insufficient adjustment of this value produces sparks between electrodes and sheet when the
welding begins. This parameter may be activated through the PR. VALVE function in the SETUP MENU.
PRM20 – WELD MIN (only in TE480)
The minimum weld time parameter (WELD MIN) is expressed in periods and represents the minimum welding
duration time, which will be carried out with a power value equal to that indicated in the POWER parameter. If an
energy value higher than or equal to the corresponding programmed value is measured at the end of said time,
the welding will stop. This parameter is displayed only on selecting the ENE (Constant Energy) WORKING