Heating circuit controller
The flow temperature is usually calculated from the outdoor temperature and the heating curve. The
heating curve is calculated based on a room set temperature of +20°C and is subject to an appropri-
ate parallel offset for other room set temperatures. An exception is the fixed value control. The flow is
set in setback mode to the listed temperature of +10°C and in standard mode to that of -20°C.
The module allows you to set parameters for the heating curve in two ways:
With reference to the slope as is common in many heating control units.
As a product of the relation between the outdoor temperature (at +10°C and -20°C) and the
flow temperature. Here, another reference point is set at plus 20°C outdoor temperature = plus
20° flow temperature.
In both of these methods, the influence of the outdoor temperature on the flow temperature is
. Via “
” the curvature is set according to the standards. Via “
” a curvature of
the heating characteristic is created with the desired flow temperature at 10°C in order to take into
account the different heat emissions of various heating systems.
Heat Curve “Slope”
Heat Curve “Temperature”