Menu Function overview
Tips and tricks
The commands Delete < and Insert > acquire the inputs of the number of lines.
The overview is all the more useful for users if the information is provided in a proper se-
quence. Begin with the functions for maintenance and control of the heater.
Each source command
inserts a separation bar in the function overview and the name of the
"source" and is used whenever information is to be added for an additional function. In other
is always at the beginning of any function.
If no new source command is set, the only selection in the subsequent lines concerns infor-
mation for the previously inserted function.
Select a device input output to display the respective values automatically (temperature, au-
tomatic / manual) in the function overview as headings.
When entering outputs assigned to mixtures, proceed in descending order (such as makes or
8.9 before 8).
Entries of INPUT or OUTPUT VARIABLES are admissible and do help users reach this menu
directly in the function overview, but do not provide users with any truly valuable information.
In other words, they can be confusing and should not be used. In addition,
With any function is called (via
), the heading of the selected function that allows the user a
direct entrance into the function is always automatically entered in the overview. Users can
thus reach all the areas of the selected function from the overview.
All of the entries concerned are automatically deleted when the expert deletes this function in
the menu
or turns it into a different function.
A set monitoring function of the system from the “messages” module is always entered at the
start of the function overview, but only if it is actually active.
To make sure that the function overview truly provides an overview, you should only enter the
most important information.
Only a few parameters (mainly from the heating circuit control function) should be set by the
user. We thus recommend that you use command
(user may change value) sparingly.
Parameters that can be changed (set values) cannot be changed in the function overview (nor
in the functions themselves) if these set values are transferred from another function via
Users only see "one level up" -- in other words, the information stored with the commands
) and
. Only experts see the information marked with E (expert), but experts are also not
able to change this information.