Rev C
of 92
Profile Set Up
1. Add Line 1 to the current connector Profile. The force for this line can be 25-50 lbs.
2. Make sure that Line 1 Unseated Tool Top +.xxxx value is at least .0500 greater than the Tool
Clearance height (in Tool Editor).
3. Adjust Line 2 so that it can detect a bent pin very close to the unseated tool top. Use press data from
good terminations to tune this value.
Line 1 and 2 determine the “Early Contact Detection Zone” .1
-.035 gives us a range of .06
5” in which
we are looking for an early contact force of 5 lbs. (as specified in line 2)
The force in Line 2 can be adjusted to detect a bent pin. The CMP 5T can use an early detection force
setting of as low as 1 lbf. However, it is recommended to start with 5 lbs. and adjust lower if needed.
Figure 65