Total Control Systems
Shift Key
Preset Key
Numeric and Symbol Keys
Print Key
Mode Key
Preset Key
Allows you to PRESET the Price and Tax as well as Gallons into the Register.
Alpha - Numeric Keys Allow you to enter different prices, products, etc. into the Register.
Hold Shift key while pressing Period key for symbols: ., %, @, &, (, ), /, #, - and _.
Mode Key
MODE allows you to select different screens on the Register.
Print Key
Allows you to print. You can print the delivery with or without selecting the STOP key.
Shift Key
Allows you to select the Alpha Keys on the Alpha/Numeric Keys. Selecting Shift allows
you to use anything on the Key Pad in yellow.
Shift & Mode
Allows you to get into the main Menu screen.
Navigation Keyboard Functions (Continued)
Display Icons
Printer with no ticket.
No printer connection
Printer ready with Ticket
Pump Off / Valve(s) Closed
Pump On / Valve(s) Open
Multiple Tank Delivery
System Settings
Weights & Measures
Air/Vapor Present
Density Error
Water Present