Marchesan Implementos e Máquinas Agrícolas “TATU” S.A.
DCA DC 2500, 5500 & 7500
In order to extend the lifetime of your spreader and avoid interruptions during working,
lubricate the spreader properly, as indicated below.
• Every 24 operating hours, lubricate the articulation through the grease fittings in the
following way:
• Be sure about the lubricant quality, with relation to its efficiency and purity, avoiding
the use of products contaminated by water, earth and others.
• Remove the remainder old grease around the articulations.
• Clean up the grease fittings with a cloth before applying a new grease and replace
the defective ones.
• Apply a sufficient amount of new grease.
• Use medium consistency grease.
Grease the universal joints and verify if the tube and axle are protected
with grease. (See "maintenance" page).
Grease the transmission bearings, bushings, tandem articulation pin
(double wheelset) and the bearings of the conveyor axle through the grease fittings.
Apply grease on the thread of the gate adjusting rod and on the tighteners.
Lubricate with oil and keep them stretched.
Lubricate every 24 operating hours
Lubricate the points shown above and all grease fittings as well.