Tandberg Data
Mode Select
Tandberg SLR Product Line SCSI Functional Specifications
A Target Initiated Negotiation (TIN) bit of zero
indicates that the Drive does not initiate wide or
synchronous data transfer negotiations. A TIN bit of one
indicates that the Drive may initiate negotiations for
wide and/or synchronous data transfers. The drive does
this by transferring a WIDE DATA TRANSFER REQUEST
message immediately before going to the data-in or date-
out phase. The Drive initiates a negotiation only when a
previously arranged data transfer agreement may have
become invalid (after a reset indication, TARGET RESET
message or after a power cycle).
Legal values are 0 and 1.
The default (factory programmed) value is 0.
LEW Position
Position of Logical Early Warning tape marker specifies
the minimum distance between LEW (Logical Early Warning)
and EW (Early Warning). The amount of data can be
calculated with the following formula:
LEW Po ( PhysicalBufferSize * 2)
Where LEW Position is the numeric input,
PhysicalBufferSize is the size of the physical buffer
installed in the drive (in megabytes) and the answer is
the approximate number of megabytes from LEW to EW. The
Drive may add some margins to this number. Note that
the distance between LEW and EW will always be limited
to the size of a full track/track-set (in this case LEW
is placed at the beginning of the last track/track-set).
Note that the amount of data specified by the LEW
Position field is physical data (i.e. user data plus ECC
data plus filler data etc.). Note also that when the LEW
marker has been passed the drive enters unbuffered mode.
This means that filler data may be generated for each
new WRITE command. In addition some of the data written
after LEW may be subject to rewrites. This all means
that the actual amount of user data that may be placed
after LEW may vary considerably.
A value of 255 will always place LEW at the beginning of
the last track or track set.
Legal values are numbers in the range 0 and 255.
The default (factory programmed) value is 0.
Auto Eject on Power-Up. The AEPU-bit controls the tape
cartridge ejection when powering up the Drive. If this
bit is set to one the cartridge will be ejected when
power is turned on. When the bit is set to zero the
Drive will not eject the tape cartridge when the power
is turned on.
Legal values are 0 and 1.
The default (factory programmed) value is 0.
These values are nominal and will vary with mode of operation.