Record Mailbox Greeting:
Selecting this button brings up a dialog
screen which displays instructions for
r e c o r d i n g m a i l b o x g r e e t i n g s o r
a n n o u n c e m e n t s . S i m p l y f o l l o w t h e
instructions. By default, all mailboxes
will use the standard greeting until you
record a personal greeting.
View Mailbox Data:
Pressing this button brings up a dialog screen which displays memory usage of
the internal voice mailboxes including greeting time, message time and number
of messages.
Reset Mailbox Password:
Selecting this button brings up a dialog screen which allows you to reset the
password for any mailbox. This may be useful if someone has forgotten their
password or someone has left the company. If you want to reset a voice mailbox
completely, use the Voicemail manager located under the Utilities menu.
TalkSwitch User Manual
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