User manual
systec Controls Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH 124/139
If interference does occur you can try to:
Use W-Mode rather than V-mode (first counter-measure)
Use Z-Mode rather than V-mode (when W-mode does not work)
Deactivate Auto-Window (see chapter and use ZOOM
function / shift function (arrow buttons) to kick out disturbing signals
of the measuring window.
Use different signal sequence (see previous chapter), e.g. 3-
Barker5 or 1Puls rather than 4-Barker 7
Use transducer working at higher frequence (-F20 rather than –
F10) to get sharper signals.
When using –F20 (2MHZ) instead of –F10 (1MHZ) the signals
become half as wide (half of time) which makes it easier to
separate signals.
deltawaveC-P uses sophisticated algorithms to separate desired signals from
interfering signals. These algorithms are mainly applied when having the auto
window function activated. But especially when measuring at very small pipes
interference might occur anyway. In that case the user can separate signals (in
order to filter out the desired signal) manually in the oscilloscope mode.