The internal CV source is the default source, and may be defeated by introduction of an alternative CV to
the KBD CV Output panel jack. In this configuration, the CV header on the PCB is bypassed and is moot,
but can be used as a test point for measuring the CV. The internal pitch CV source should always be
present, to prevent the bus from floating and the VCOs motorboating.
Method 2 (preferred).
The tip, and tip-switched contacts of the KBD-CV Output jack, and the CV pin of the header are all isolated
and re-routed by way of jumpers. Two trace cuts are made on the PCB. Both solder pins of the jack are
removed and replaced with insulated wire jumpers soldered directly inside the jack housing. The tip
contact jumper passes through the hole in the PCB and is connected to the tip-switched pin of the KBD CV
jack in VCO1 (and thus, the KBD CV Bus). The tip-switched pin of the KBD CV Output jack makes a hard
turn and remains on the front of the PCB, connecting to the CV pin on the header nearby. This creates
the circuit as it should have been.
Figure 12 - Corrected CV Input Logic, Preferred Method, Back Side of Main Board