Figure 6 - Courtesy of DSL-Man
Replace the stilts on the front side of the board with 12mm hex spacers (4) such that the female
side of the spacer faces up. Add a fifth spacer in the center hole at the top edge of the board and
secure this with an M3 nut on the back of the board. At this point, all the 12mm spacers should
be in place (13 on the front and 7 on the back).
There is the potential for short circuits with a significant number of the jacks. On the
main board, there are multiple instances where signal traces transit under / across the jack footprints.
Because the supporting frame of the PJ301BM jack is common with its ground pins, these create the
possible locations for short circuits. The only thing preventing these shorts is a thin layer of solder
mask. Solder mask is not intended for use as insulation.
There are 19 locations where signal traces may come into contact with the jack
s ground connection,
and these are listed below. In almost all locations, a short will result in either the normalized input,
the inserted input, or the output being shunted to ground. This is a problem, but it won
t result in
damage. Because some of the locations are inputs with signals from elsewhere on the instrument
normalized to them, shorts may appear to the operator as faults in the outputs of sections that don
have affected jacks. At one location, the risk is greater: The Right In jack (upper right in the Final Mixer
section) has a power trace for the local LED section crossing the footprint of the jack. A short here
will isolate the LED in the Right Reverb Slider b15.75V and ground. The LED in that slider will
be instantly destroyed, and the remaining LEDs in the string may be extinguished. The amber LEDs
used in the sliders are not sold separately, so if this happens, you are looking at replacing the entire
slider to get a matching LED.
By simple inspection, builders should be able to see the problems with the signal routing. Affected
Jack Locations:
Lag Processor Input (norm: Envelope Follower Output)