In jack, the Electronic Switch will be controlled by it. To do this, find the two resistors, de-solder and lift
the lower ends of each, and tie these in common to the tip of the External Clock In jack.
Figure 11 - Electronic Switch Mod
If you then patch up the Electronic Switch thus:
A > Output first Voltage Processor (top slider in the middle i.e. +5V)
B > Output second Voltage Processor (it’s slider in the middle
i.e. -5V)
VCO1 square wave out > External Clock In
… a
-1 octave sub-oscillator, tracking VCO1, will be available at Jack C on the Electronic Switch. If you
process this with just a wee little bit of Lag, it will be converted into a near-triangle wave which can be
mixed in post-
VCF in the VCA’s second audio input, for Moog Taurus I type sounds.
Note: You should first review the MIDImplant documentation
critical info such as programming and pin
outs is not duplicated below.
Before we go on, lets get some confusing nomenclature out of the way. On every TTSH the panel jack
called KBD CV Output is an
. On the main board,
the header marked “External CV In” is intended for
CVs, such as a 3620 keyboard, or a MIDImplant
signals coming from inside the system.