Any setting expressed here in a decimal number must be converted to a hexadecimal number for
transmission in sysex.
The note/pitch you select for the starting note number is also the base frequency you will later calibrate
your VCOs and VCF to.
These are the recommended changes to the CV functions. The two commands set various parameters for
the two CV outputs, as described in the documentation, section 6.1:
F0 00 20 7A 01 01 01 01 01 0C F7
(CV out 1, Midi Channel 1, Midi Notes, Starting note C0 / 12)
F0 00 20 7A 01 02 01 01 03 01 F7
(CV out 2, Midi Channel 1, Continuous Controller - Mod Wheel)
calibration of 1V/Oct Scale and CV offset
The Implant provides the option of making micro adjustments to both the 1V/Oct Scale (section 6.2) and
CV offset (section 6.9). For each CV output, The MIDImplant stores two 1V/Oct scales:
When you adjust the scale associated with one of the CV outputs, you are modifying the
tuned scale
. As
the name implies, the
fixed/calibrated scale
cannot be modified. When the tuned scale is changed, it is
immediately loaded to CV. However, when the MIDImplant is later initialized, the CV will revert to the
fixed/calibrated scale. To prevent this and load the tuned scale at initialization, you must assign the scale
to the CV, as described in section 6.3, and demonstrated below. You must use this command if you want
your calibration to stick.
Make adjustments to the MIDImplant 1V/Oct Scale and CV Offset while you have it under load in a
powered up TTSH. Proper load means all three VCOs are set in audio mode, and nothing is plugged into
the KBD CV inputs of any VCO or the VCF.
An error that increases as you move up the scale indicates a scale adjustment. An error that is consistent
across the scale indicates an offset adjustment. If you have an error, it will typically not show up at 0.000v,
but only at higher CV voltages. When making these adjustments, start with scale changes to a point where
there is exactly 1.000v
between octaves. If these voltages have a consistent offset of a few
millivolts, use offset adjustments to shift them up or down as needed so they fall on .000v divisions.
If you followed the recommended install procedure below, you have the CV1 output available on the panel
for measurement. The Implant’s CV output ranges from 0.000V to 5.000V. We will
be measuring for
accuracy across four octaves (0.000V to 4.000V).
For example, if the voltage at C0 is 0.000, but at C2 it is 1.997, and at C4 it is 3.994, increase the scale from
the default:
F0 00 20 7A 01 01 02 44 06 F7
(CV1, V/Oct scale tune, MSB = default:68, LSB = default:6)
Create and store a new, tuned scale: