In you intend to install the four optional film capacitors to AC couple four of the inputs of the
audio mixer in the VCF, install these caps now. Remember that for them to function, traces
running under them must be cut.
Remove the stilts.
This concludes Phase 1 Main Board. If you are using organic flux-based solder, now is the time to remove
it and change to no-clean solder. Use compressed air to blow water out of the nooks and crannies, and
allow the board to dry completely.
Allow some time at this point to inspect the work under magnification. You are looking for missed or cold
solder joints, and solder bridges between joints.
Start by installing the stilts, both sides.
Install seven 12mm spacers to the back of the board (2: VCF Core mount; 2: Gate Booster mount
and 3: DC-DC converter mount). Secure on front of board using M3 nuts. Tighten these well,
since the nuts will not be accessible once the panel is in place.
Install the Amphenol headers (1x5 .156 (qty 1), 1x2 .1 (qty 5) and 1x3 .1 (qty 1). The large five pin
header for the power input should be installed reversed from the orientation indicated in the
silkscreening. This will avoid problems fitting the synth into its case. The 1x3 .1 header goes onto
the 2x3 header pad in the EG section. This will be used to power the Gate Booster. It helps to put
the headers and wire housing together before soldering them in, to avoid burning your fingers
while making final positioning adjustments.
Figure 5 - Install Power Header as shown, not as indicated in silkscreen
Install the .1 pin headers (males and females). Start by cutting the bulk pin header material from
the 40 pin sticks provided. You will need sections of (6) 2-pin, (3) 3-pin, and (6) 6-pin. You will
also need an additional (3) 6-pin male segments, for the second filter core. Fit these together
with the pre-cut female headers provided. Place the headers such that the female section is