3. Replacement Procedures – Failed Power Supply
Replacing a Failed Power Supply (PS)
Step 1
Remove the power cable; Slide the green Tab over
Step 2
The power supply can now be pulled from the chassis using the handle on the exterior of the
power supply.
Step 3
Insert the replacement power supply into the open slot. Push the power supply until it is flush with
the other power supply.
Step 4
Move the Green tab over so that the power cable can be inserted into the back of the power
supply. Verify that the power supply is fully seated by trying to pull the power supply out of its slot.
Step 5
When the replacement power supply is inserted into the chassis and the AC power cord is
connected, the LED indicator will illuminate Green to signal that the replacement power supply is
functioning normally.
Step 6
Should the replacement power supply continue to show an Amber LED, contact Technical