tourInG caravans - annual
servIce/InspectIon record
In order to comply with the warranty, you must
have your caravan inspected and serviced by
an authorised Swift Group Service Centre at
least once per year.
It is important that the Owner’s Handbook
is stamped on the appropriate page by the
authorised Swift Group Service Centre. Failure
to do this will invalidate the warranty and the
transfer of the warranty on the change
of ownership.
The inspection should take approximately two
to four hours and will cover the areas dealt
with in the annual service check list. Any areas
requiring service and/or maintenance will be
highlighted by your dealer and we recommend
that you authorise any necessary work to be
carried out.
NB. It is essential, to validate the warranty,
that an annual inspection be carried out by an
authorised Swift Group Service Centre covering
the items listed.
1. Damp and lamination test.
2. Coupling head and breakaway cable.
3. Jockey wheel.
4. Chassis and chassis to body security.
5. Corner steadies.
7. Tyres and tyre pressures.
8. Torque wheel nuts.
9. Brake rods and linkages.
10. Hub bearings, brakes and brake shoes.
11. Handbrake operation and performance.
12. Suspension and shock absorbers (if fitted).
13. 13 pin plug and cables.
14. Road lights, wiring and reflectors.
15. Internal lights and 12V DC system.
16. Water heater - gas and 230V AC (if fitted).
17. Hob, grill and oven (if fitted).
18. Refrigerator 230V AC, 12V DC and gas.
19. Gas system.
20. Water pump, taps and water system.
21. Mains 230V AC system.
22. Windows and fittings.
23. Smoke alarm and battery.
24. Roof lights.
25. Furniture hinges/stays etc.
26. Exterior locks and hinges.
27. Grab handle security.
28. All internal vents.
29. Oil seals.
30. Blinds and fly screens (if fitted).