The UPnP setting can be found under this path:
System> Network> UPnP
UPnP Setting
Enable UPnP
When the UPnP is enabled, whenever the camera is presented to the
LAN, the icon of the connected cameras will appear in My Network
Places to allow for direct access.
To enable this function, please make sure the UPnP
component is installed on the computer. Please refer to
Appendix A: Install UPnP Components
for UPnP component
installation procedure.
Enable UPnP port forwarding
When the UPnP port forwarding is enabled, the camera is allowed to
open the web server port on the router automatically.
To enable this function, please make sure that the router
supports UPnP and it is activated.
Friendly name
Set a name for the camera for identity.
Click on <Save> when finished.