Super X11DAC User's Manual
Out-of-Band Management Port
This feature selects a serial port in a client server to be used by the Windows Emergency
Management Services (EMS) to communicate with a remote host server. The options are
COM1 (Console Redirection)
and COM2/SOL (Console Redirection).
Terminal Type
Use this feature to select the target terminal emulation type for Console Redirection.
Select VT100 to use the ASCII character set. Select VT100+ to add color and function
key support. Select ANSI to use the extended ASCII character set. Select VT-UTF8 to use
UTF8 encoding to map Unicode characters into one or more bytes. The options are ANSI,
, and VT-UTF8.
Bits Per Second
This feature sets the transmission speed for a serial port used in Console Redirection.
Make sure that the same speed is used in both host computer and the client computer. A
lower transmission speed may be required for long and busy lines. The options are 9600,
19200, 57600, and
(bits per second).
Data Bits
Use this feature to set the data transmission size for Console Redirection. The options are
7 (Bits) and
8 (Bits)
A parity bit can be sent along with regular data bits to detect data transmission errors.
Select Even if the parity bit is set to 0, and the number of 1's in data bits is even. Select
Odd if the parity bit is set to 0, and the number of 1's in data bits is odd. Select None if you
do not want to send a parity bit with your data bits in transmission. Select Mark to add a
mark as a parity bit to be sent along with the data bits. Select Space to add a Space as a
parity bit to be sent with your data bits. The options are
, Even, Odd, Mark and Space.
Stop Bits
A stop bit indicates the end of a serial data packet. Select 1 Stop Bit for standard serial
data communication. Select 2 Stop Bits if slower devices are used. The options are
and 2.
Flow Control
Use this feature to set the flow control for Console Redirection to prevent data loss caused
by buffer overflow. Send a "Stop" signal to stop data-sending when the receiving buffer
is full. Send a "Start" signal to start data-sending when the receiving buffer is empty. The
options are
Hardware RTS/CTS, and Software Xon/Xoff.
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support