NVR Software - SeeTec client
1. For secondary installations only:
In the
dropdown list, select the MultimediaDatabase
from which you want to export image data.
2. Mark the cameras (by clicking with the mouse or by using the CTRL key and
the mouse) from which you want to export image data.
3. Enable the
Export standard recording
checkbox to export the recording of
the standard recording.
4. Enable the
Export alarm recording
checkbox to export the recording of the
alarm recording.
5. Use the
fields to set the export time range.
6. In the
field, enter a password for encrypting the image data.
7. Optional: Enable the
Use bandwidth limitation
checkbox to limit network
traffic while the image data is transferred to the client.
8. Click on
to select the location.
9. Enable the
Create subdirectories for user, camera name and time
checkbox to create the following folder structure in the export directory:
<SeeTec user name>\<camera name>\<start time of export (YYYY-MM-
DD time)>
10. Optional: Activate
Split export into several directories
and select the size
of the export file.
The exported files will be split automatically to fit on a CD, DVD, etc.
11. Start export by clicking on
12. To finish multi-export, click on
The installation files for the SeeTec OfflineViewer are located in
installation directory>\tools\OfflineViewer
. During export, the SeeTec
OfflineViewer installation file and a CD/DVD burning program (Totally Free Burner)
are also copied to the export directory.