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See “Master timer”.
The timer output of a dosage timer is linked to a counter input. This enables the water and/or feed intake to be
limited. If the intake is too low, the controller can generate a “dosage alarm” and stop the dosing of water
and/or feed. If the installer has set the “Dosage” setting to no, the dosage timer will act as a “normal” timer.
If the installer has switched “Auto. partition period” off: possibility to manually distribute the total daily amount
of the feed, for example, over the number of periods set.
The curve can be used for age-dependent variation of:
The amount (water/feed) per animal.
The time schedules.
If the dosage timer is linked to the master timer: the times are related to the
times of the master timer (after this there is still a possibility to correct the
starting and end times (+/– 8 hours, see page 23).
Sequential timers (“Feed chain” and “Rinse timer”) can also be found under this
menu option.
Sequential timers activate the different outputs assigned to the timer in turn, after each other. An output is not
activated until the preceding output is no longer active. The different actions carried out in turn are also called
'phases' or 'steps'.
On a sequential timer, you can only set the start time; the end time is determined by the total pulse pause time
and the number of outputs.
Feed chain
The outputs that have been set are driven sequentially (one by one) at the start time. You can use the external
input to temporarily “freeze” (stop) the time. If the external input is active, the time is stopped (interrupted)
temporarily. The time will start running again from the point where it was interrupted, as soon as the external
input is deactivated.
Feed chain:
: Local time schedule.
“Slave” : The On/Off times of the timer are based on the switching times of the “Master
Time schedule:
Have the timer switch on and off based on a pre-programmed time schedule. Enter the
time schedule of your choice (1..9) at “Time schedule”.
“On without time schedule” : Fill in the start and end times locally.
“On with time schedule”
: The settings are a copy of the settings of the time schedule
that has been set. You cannot change the number of periods
or the start and end times in this screen.
: The settings are a copy of the settings of the master timer.
You can affect the times locally by entering a time that
differs from that for the master timer under “Begin”.
Current status:
Display of current status of the “Feed chain” timer. The current status is replaced by
“Output” followed by the active output, the status of the active output and the period
Time that an output is switched on.
Waiting time before the following input is switched on.
Rinse timer
The rinse timer can be used for several purposes, e.g. rinsing the water pipes before the drinkers are activated
again in order to prevent Legionella in the water system. The rinse timer is set in accordance with the “Feed
chain” timer.