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Alarm code
Wrong terminal setting
Faulty allocation. The function you have assigned to the terminal is not
supported by the module.
No outside sensor
The control installed requires an outdoor sensor but no outdoor sensor has
been installed
No communication address
Missing device address PL-9500 and/or PFB.
No pressure control
The control installed requires a pressure control but no pressure control has
been installed
No weight reduction
The weight in the mixer does not decrease at all or does not decrease enough
during the “Unload mixer” status; check the mixer/discharge auger.
No input assigned
No input terminal number entered
An input/output refers to the PFB feed weigher but no PFB feed weigher has
been installed.
No silo weigher
The counter has been set to “PSW-1” but no PSW-1 has been installed.
No silo number or an incorrect silo number has been entered for the counter.
No info from houses
A central control installed on the climate control has not received any data
from the external controller to control the central control (e.g. an incorrectly
set feed weighing computer or an incorrect central control number etc.).
If the PL-9500 is connected to a feed system:
The animal group at the PL-9500 has not been set to communication.
You use dosing timers and the “Counter in group” setting of one of the
relevant counters has been set to “Both groups”. This is not allowed;
choose “Animals 1” or “Animals 2”.
Software version PL-9500 is too old, update software.
House not in use.
No output assigned
No output terminal number entered
No feed weigher
The counter has been set at “PFB feed” or “PFB water” but no PFB feed
weigher has been installed.
Input already assigned
The input has been assigned to two or more controls.
Discharge hatch closed
Discharge hatch opened
Valve not opened/closed after 10 seconds although it was sent a drive signal
to open/close it.
Maximum supply alarm
The counter exceeds the maximum setting within the time set.
Meteo faulty
The result measured by the meteo station (wind direction, wind speed
and/or rain level) is outside the preset limits (these limits depend on the
type of sensor ME-54 or PL-MWA).
Bridging wire is missing, PL-Meteo without a rain sensor; further
information on the bridging wire can be found in the PL-Meteo annex.
Module x not installed
The module number set for the terminal does not exist
Poor or no connection between PL-9200-MODULE and module.
The connection cable between the PL-9200-MODULE and the PL-9200
bottom PCB is missing or is loose.
Module x not responding
Module address not found, check the settings on the module
Module x reset alarm
Module continues to reset due to a fault, check the module
Not closed
The nest box is still open after the propagation time (i.e. running time) has
Not calibrated
The scale has not been calibrated (the weighing scales are factory calibrated
as standard). The weighing scale must then be returned to the factory to be
Not open
The nest box is not open after the propagation time (i.e. running time) has
Unknown terminal type
This type of terminal does not exist
Invalid combination
Both the dosing timer and the animal group have been set to
“communication”. This is not allowed. You can either set only dosing timers via
communication (augers) or you can send the animal data via communication
Invalid component
A component in the “Silo assignment” is accompanied by a silo number that
does not contain the right component (the component in one of the silos has
Invalid group of animals
The feed weigher is set to PFV-92xx, the feed counter has “Both groups” as
the setting for “Counter in group”. However, the PFV-92xx can be assigned to
only one animal group.