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Alarm code
Invalid input
The input number does not exist on the module.
Invalid period (x)
The times set for a timer must be ascending and the difference between
“Begin” and “End” must be at least 1 minute.
The starting time (Begin) + the running time (Propagation time) of a
lighting control must not be after the next starting time (the time can be
simultaneous with the next starting time)
X = period number
Invalid mixture
The mixture is on -0.0% for all components, although a certain amount of
feed has to be dosed.
The feed mixture does not match the silo contents; you are trying to feed
a component from a silo that does not contain the required component.
Check the feed mixture, the curve corrections, etc.
Invalid silo
The component is not in the selected silo.
Remainder mixing is on, but there is no silo with an identical feed type.
Invalid counter
The type of counter is different from the type of timer (e.g. feed counter
selected for water dosing).
Invalid output
The output number does not exist on the module.
Invalid silo output
The output number does not exist on the module (PFB feed weigher).
Invalid search sequence
The silo number does not exist.
Silo assignment changed.
The silo number has been set to 0; the component must always be
followed by a valid silo number
A non-existent silo number has been entered for the component.
Conflicting periods
The 'Conflicting periods' error message occurs if 1 or more feed dosing timers
have to be active at the same time.
Potentiometer faulty
The value measured by the potentiometer is outside the limits (EGM 100P,
winch motors etc.)
RH too low
The RH measured is below the minimum alarm limit calculated
RH too high
The RH measured is higher than the maximum alarm limit calculated
RH sensor faulty
The RH sensor value measured is outside the preset limits
Sensor faulty
The values measured by the sensor (temperature, RH, CO
, pressure etc.) are
outside the preset limits
Feed detected by sensor
The feed sensor is covered by feed at the moment when the unloading valve
Silo already assigned
The same number has been entered a number of times in the silo assignment
search sequence, see page 18.
Silo no. already used
The preset silo number has already been assigned to another silo.
Invalid silo weigher
Incompatible software version on the PSW-1.
Update software PSW-1.
House x without AQC
The house with the number shown does not have a flap with a measuring fan
whereas central ventilation has been set at “house with AQC”
Tare: fluctuating value
The weight measured by the PFB feed weigher is instable e.g. due to the
'swinging' of the weighing hopper.
Ambient vibrations affect the measuring result (weighing hopper is
Tare: value too high
The measured value after taring the PFB feed weigher is too high.
Tare: value too low
The measured value after taring the PFB feed weigher is too low.
Counter already assigned
The counter has been assigned to two or more controls.