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The “Alarm” menu option is only shown if the feed weigher is a PFB-35/70.
Switching the alarms of the feed weigher on/off:
Alarm feed system
Deactivate: the main alarm on the PFB feed weigher
will also be deactivated (the “alarm” LED on the PFB
feed weigher is flashing)
Restart weigher
If the feed weigher generates an alarm
and “yes”
is filled in next to “Restart weigher”:
active alarm is switched off (reset).
the system will try to finish the active portion.
Tare alarm
Deactivate: the tare alarm on the PFB feed weigher
will be switched off (alarm code 2: AL2)
Supply alarm
Deactivate: the supply alarm on the PFB feed weigher
will be switched off (alarm code 5: AL5)
Supply alarm off: the feed system will no
longer switch over to another silo with the same type
of feed or to an alternative type either.
Alarm supply speed:
set the minimum average supply speed. A supply alarm
will be generated if the average speed falls to below the minimum value.
PFB-35/70 software version 1.44 or higher required.