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If more components of the same type are present, you can enter the numbers of
the silos containing the same type of component in the search sequence. If a
silo is “empty” for any reason (e.g. due to a silo alarm or if the current silo
number setting from which the component is to be dosed is 0), the program will
automatically look for a silo containing the same type of component.
First silo column: the active silo from which the component is dosed. Manual
change is possible.
Always enter “Silo order”: the active silos (first column) are not saved to the
program memory but are copied from the “Silo order”.
Clear “alternative components”: the original feed type from the silo sequence is
taken again.
: an alternative component has been selected.
: “Silo order” for the component has not been filled in (the feed type occurs
in the feed mixture of ”today”. Enter the silo sequence with the corresponding
If an alternative component is set for a component and there is a supply alarm
for the component in question for 30 seconds, the computer will automatically
switch over to the alternative component.
If the silo is nearly empty, the remainder in the silo will be mainly made up of
salts, minerals and finely ground feed. If the silo weight drops to below the
preset value, the controller will try to mix the remainder with feed from another
silo. However, “Silo mix remainder” must be active then and there must be a
similar type of feed (component) in another silo.
: remainder mixing takes place.
Silo mix remainder
Silo mix remainder
Component 1