10.1 Demands
In this menu, up to 2 heating demands can be acti-
vated and adjusted.
Activated demands will be available for selection
in the relay allocation channels of the correspon-
ding optional functions . This way, several optio-
nal functions can demand the same heat source.
If, for example the potential-free changeover relay
r14 is allocated to
Demand 1
, the selection
will then become available in addition to the
free relays in the adjustment channels
the optional functions for the heating part of the
arrangement (see page 64). this way, e. g. the DHW
heating function can demand the same boiler for af-
terheating as the thermal disinfection function.
adjustment channel
adjustment range / selection
Factory setting
Demand 1 (2)
Demand 1 (2)
activ., Deactivated
relay selection
system dependent
system dependent
Heating / Demands
10.2 Heating circuits
the controller has two internal, weather-compen-
sated heating circuits and is able to control up to
5 external heating circuits by means of extension
In the menu appearing when
New heating circuit
is selected, it is possible to choose between the in-
ternal heating circuits and, if available, registered
If one or more extension modules are connected,
they have to be registered with the controller. only
registered modules are available in the heating cir-
cuit selection.
extension modules can be registered in the In-/out-
puts / modules menu (see page 72). If an internal or
external heating circuit has been selected, a new
menu opens. In this menu, all sensors and relays re-
quired for the heating circuit can be allocated, and
all adjustments can be made.
the controller calculates the set flow temperature
for each heating circuit by means of the outdoor
temperature and the selected heating curve. If the
measured flow temperature deviates from the set
flow temperature, the mixer is activated in order to
adjust the flow temperature correspondingly.
If the outdoor temperature falls below the point
where the calculated set flow temperature would ex-
ceed the maximum flow temperature, the maximum
flow temperature is treated as the set temperature
for as long as the condition remains.
If the outdoor temperature sensor is defective, an
error message is indicated. For the duration of this
condition, the maximum flow temperature -5 K is as-
sumed as set flow temperature.
With the timer, the day / night operation can be ad-
justed. During day phases, the set flow temperature
is increased by the adjusted day correction value,
during night phases it is decreased by the night cor-
rection value (night setback).
Summer mode
the mode channel adjustment determines how the
heating circuit is set to summer mode:
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