AlphaCom XE - Installation, Configuration & Operation
Defining Network and Exchange
If you are going to program the server/exchange for the first time, make
sure that the AlphaCom system has been cold-started (see section
2.3). The default programming tables will then be loaded. The Auto-load
values are found in section 2.5.
Initial programming
● Open AlphaPro by clicking on the S-icon on the PC’s desktop.
When AlphaPro starts for the first time, you will be asked to make an
AlphaPro database by creating a network and adding the exchange
that is part of the network.
Enter network
Enter a system name related to customer or network.
maximum 23 characters
don’t use national characters like æ, ø, å, ä, é, etc.
It is possible to create more networks later on from the main window.
Enter exchange
Enter the first node (exchange) name
maximum 16 characters.
The first exchange node number is 1
Select the desired type of node (exchange type)
AlphaCom E is default.
Select the display language for the stations in the exchange.
Available languages are: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French,
German, Hebrew, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish.
English is the default.
Checkbox for
Adm. Here
Creates an exchange with full database, which can be
configured from this PC.
Creates an exchange without database which can be pointed to
in AlphaNet routing.
Enter IP address
Normally Eth0 is used for connection to the exchange.
Leave the filled-in default IP address.
If the system is part of an AlphaNet, it will be connected to Eth1. If
this IP address is unknown at this moment, it can be filled in later.
to proceed to the AlphaPro main window.
Then you can:
Select the exchange you are going to program
Add networks and nodes
Set up data communication with the exchange
Go to the different programming windows
Add network or exchange
In the main window, select [+] next to the
Select Network
Proceed as explained in 4.3.1