Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Dec. 19, 1997
Page: 5-7
Amendment No.: 23
Date: Jan. 29, 2015
Doc. No. A40-11-121
5.3.2 General Remarks on Periodic Inspections
If operations or conditions indicate that a scheduled maintenance task be done before its current calendar or
hour limit, the other 100 hour maintenance tasks should be done then as well. Alternatively, the maintenance
task that was done “early” should be repeated on the original timetable along with the other tasks.
A scheduled maintenance task should be performed before reaching the hour limit if operational conditions
reasonably require that. In this case all higher
level inspections also have to be advanced by the same time
to avoid enlarged intervals.
Even though the operator can decide at each 100 flight hour airframe inspection, whether or not the engine
hour related inspections (100, 200, or 600 engine hr. inspections) shall be performed simultaneously, the
manufacturer recommends simultaneous inspection provided the flight:engine hour ratio is less than 2:1.
If the first 100 flight hours are attained before the first 25 engine hours, in any case the more extensive
scheduled maintenance of 25 engine hr. engine inspection must be performed. In this case the first 100 hr.
airframe inspection applies after 200 flight hours.
The items to be checked are listed in section 5.4,
Check List for Periodic Inspections
. A detailed description
of maintenance procedures, adjustment data, tolerances, torque values etc. may be found in section 6 (for
details of the aircraft generally) and in section 7 (for specific assemblies of the aircraft). The relevant
subsection is indicated for each inspection item shown on the Check List.
In addition, special inspections may at times be prescribed by the responsible authority or may be
recommended by the manufacturer; those inspections must be performed as required in accordance with the
issued directives and the Federal Aviation Regulations that apply to N-registered STEMME aircraft.
For instructions pertaining to maintenance of other equipment installed in the aircraft, please refer to Annex
Supplementary Instructions for Maintenance and Care, Maintenance Instructions
The inspection lists in section 5.1,
Recommended Overhaul and Replacement Schedule,
and in
section 5.4,
Check List for Periodic Inspections,
cover the complete aircraft, including its propeller, its
drive-train, and its engine.
The periodic checks listed in section 5.1 and 5.4 substitute for
section 05-
20 (“Maintenance Schedule”) of the "Maintenance Manual (Line Maintenance) for
ROTAX Engine Type 914F Series found in Annex E.
Therefore, section 05-20 of the original
ROTAX Maintenance Manual need not be observed during maintenance of this aircraft.
5.3.3 Additional Calendar-Related Inspections
5 year Inspection of Fuel Check Valves, Plastic
After 5 years in service, the plastic-body fuel check valves must be visually inspected for signs of
brittleness, crazing, cracking or any change of their original color. The plastic check valves must be
replaced if any such indication is found. After 10 years in service the plastic-body fuel check valves
be replaced (refer to section 5.1).
Fuel Check Valves with metal bodies are replaced on condition.