Maintenance Manual STEMME S10-VT
Date of Issue: Jan. 01, 1998
Page 6-8
Amendment Nr. 8
Date: Nov. 11, 1999
Doc. No. A40-11-121
6.4.2 Masses and Moments of Control Surfaces
After repair and re-painting of control surfaces, it must be checked if masses and taildown moments are
within certified limits. If certified limits are exceeded, the manufacturer must be contacted.
The Form "Control Surfaces Masses and Hinge Moments" (Annex D) includes procedures to determine the
masses and moments. Rated values are:
Control Surface
Mass of Control Surface
Hinge Moment of Control Surface
Force at trailing edge
kg (lb)
Ncm (lbf ft)
N (lbf), Measuring point
3.3 (7.28) to 4.5 (9.92)
132 (0.97) to 175 (1.28)
9.2 (2.07) to 12.2 (2.74),
at inner operating rod.
r = 14.3 cm (5.63 in.)
Wing Flap
3.5 (7.72) to 4.7 (10.36)
200 (1.47) to 272 (1.99)
11.6 (2.61) to 15.8 (3.55),
at operating rod
r = 17.2 cm (6.77 in.)
0.75 (1.65) to 0.92 (2.0)
28 (0.21) to 32.5 (0.24)
2.0 (0.45) to 2.7 (0.61),
at inner end rib
0.92 (2.0) to 1.15 (2.5)
28 (0.21) to 37.5 (0.27)
r = 14.0 cm (5.51 in.)
2.6 (5.73) to 4.0 (8.82)
182 (1.33) to 224 (1.64)
4.3 (0.967) to 5.3 (1.19),
at bottom rear corner
r = 42.5 cm (16.7 in.)
** left and right measured separately
6.4.3 Free Play in Flight Control System
For each control surface a maximum allowable slackness between cockpit control and control surface is
defined. Each control free play is measured at the point used for measurement of the relevant control
deflection (refer to Form "Rigging Report"). For measuring, the controls are fixed in the cockpit (control stick
and flap operation handle).
allowable free play
2.5 mm / 0.1 in.
2.5 mm / 0.1 in.
2.5 mm / 0.1 in.
The axial play of ailerons/flaps and elevator must be limited to a minimum without jamming, using suitable
washers if necessary.