DocID026161 Rev 4
UM1743Demonstration functional description (STM324x9I-EVAL, STM324xG-EVAL, STM32F429I-
The Prep.bat is required to prepare the environment for the actual process. Calling it directly
will not have any effect. It is called by the MakeMovie.bat. To be able to use the batch files it
is required to adapt this file at first. This file sets variables used by the file MakeMovie.bat,
they are listed in
This is the main batch file used for the conversion process. Normally it is not required to be
change this file, but it is required to adapt Prep.bat first. It could be called with the
parameters listed in
Table 20. Variables description
Destination folder for the JPEG files.
Will be cleared automatically when starting the conversion with
Access variable for the FFmpeg tool.
Should contain the complete path required to call FFmpeg.exe.
Access variable for the JPEG2MOVIE tool.
Should contain the complete path required to call JPEG2Movie.exe.
Default movie resolution to be used.
Can be ignored if one of the <X-SIZE>x<Y-SIZE>.bat files are used.
Default quality to be used by FFmpeg.exe for creating the JPEG files.
The lower the number the better the quality. Value 1 indicates that a
very good quality should be achieved, value 31 indicates the worst
For more details please refer to the FFmpeg documentation.
Frame rate in frames/second to be used by FFmpeg.
It defines the number of JPEG files to be generated by FFmpeg.exe
for each second of the movie.
For more details please refer to the FFmpeg documentation.
Table 21. Parameters description
Movie file to be converted
%2 (optional)
Size to be used.
If not given %DEFAULT_SIZE% of Prep.bat is used.
%3 (optional)
Quality to be used.
If not given %DEFAULT_QUALITY% of Prep.bat is used.
%4 (optional)
Frame rate to be used.
If not given %DEFAULT_FRAMERATE% of Prep.bat is used.