Demonstration functional description (STM324x9I-EVAL, STM324xG-EVAL, STM32F429I-Discov-
DocID026161 Rev 4
8 Demonstration
STM32F429I-Discovery and STM32446E-EVAL)
8.1 Kernel
The main desktop is built around two main graphical components:
The status bar: indicates the storage units' connection status, current time and date
and a system utilities button to allow getting system information like (running task, CPU
usage, and kernel log).
The icon view widget: contains the icons associated to added modules. User can
launch a module by a simple click on the module icon (see
Figure 39. CPU usage display
The system utilities are accessible during the STM32CubeF4 demonstration running time,
using the system button (ST Logo) in top left of the main desktop. The system utilities button
offers the following services:
CPU usage history
Kernel log messages
Current running processes viewer