Demonstration functional description (STM324x9I-EVAL, STM324xG-EVAL, STM32F429I-Discov-
DocID026161 Rev 4
shows the different settings that can be changed.
c) Clock
The clock setting tab (
) allows to adjust the demonstration time and date
by changing the RTC configuration of the kernel.
Figure 45. Clock setting
Table 15. Available settings
Configuration item
Enable sprites
Checking this box allows the sprites to move on the background desktop
Enable background mode Not used (reserved for future use)
Run CPU at 180 MHz
Allow to run the demonstration at maximum speed. Note that the device
USB clock is not at compliant clock with mode. To use the USB device
mass storage module, it is recommended to use the default 168 MHz
CPU clock
Disable Flex skin
Unchecking this box, classical GUI skin is used.