Kernel description
DocID026161 Rev 4
3.2 Kernel
The first task of the kernel is to initialize the hardware and firmware resources to make them
available to its internal processes and the modules around it. The kernel starts by initializing
the HAL, system clocks and then the hardware resources needed during the middleware
LEDs and Touchscreen
Backup SRAM
Quad-SPI Flash memory
Audio Interface
Not all the hardware resources can be used in all demonstration platforms, according to the
availability and to the integrated modules.
Once the low level resources are initialized, the kernel performs the STemWin GUI library
initialization and prepares the following common services:
Memory manager
Storage units
Modules manager
Kernel Log
Upon full initialization phase, the kernel adds and links the system and user modules to the
demonstration core.
Kernel processes and tasks
The kernel is composed of two main tasks managed by FreeRTOS through the CMSIS-OS
wrapping layer:
GUI Thread: this task Initializes the demonstration main menu and then handles the
graphical background task when requested by the STemWin;