Kernel description
DocID026161 Rev 4
and located at address: BKPSRAM_BASE (0x40024000). The backup SRAM could be
used as normal RAM to save file paths or big structure example:
3.10 Storage
The STM32CubeF4 demonstration kernel offers two storage units that can be used to
retrieve audio, Image and Video media or to save captured images from the camera
Figure 20. Available storage units
The two units are initialized during the platform startup and thus they are available to all the
modules during the STM32CubeF4 demonstration run time. These two units are accessible
through the standard I/O operations offered by the FatFS used in the development platform.
The USB Disk flash unit is identified as the Unit 0 and available only if a USB disk flash is
connected on the USB FS connector, while the microSD flash is identified as the Unit1 and
available only if the microSD card is connected. The units are mounted automatically when
the physical media are connected to the connector on the board.