ST2515 Operation Manual
range values. Its data format is NR1, NR2, NR3, <value> = 0 to 2000.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC: IMP:LPR:RANG 15”); Set the instrument range in resistance tested
at low voltage measurement pattern as 20Ω.
Query syntax: FUNCtion:IMPedance:LPR:RANGe?
Return format: <value><NL^END>
Where, <value> can be:
2000.00E-3, 20.0000E+0, 200.000E+0, 2000.00E+0
The :IMPedance:LPR:RANGe:AUTO command sets the auto selection mode of range in resistance
tested at low voltage measurement pattern.
The FUNCtion :IMPedance:LPR:RANGe:AUTO? query returns to the current range mode.
Command syntax:
ON (1)
OFF (0)
Character 1 (integer:49) means ON.
Character 0 (integer: 48) means OFF.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:IMP:LPR:RANG:AUTO ON”); Set the range in resistance tested at
low voltage measurement pattern as AUTO.
Query syntax: FUNCtion:IMPedance:LPR:RANGe:AUTO?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
<NR1> = 1 or 0
The :CURRent command sets the instrument current range of 200mΩ.
The :CURRent command? query returns to the current range of 200mΩ.
Command syntax:
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:CURR 1A”); Set the instrument current range of 200mΩ as 1A.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: CURRent?
Return format: <1A/0.1A><NL^END>
The :ADJust command is used to execute or clear 0 ADJ.
Clear 0 ADJ data
Command syntax: :ADJust:CLEAr
Execute 0 ADJ operation
Command syntax: ADJust