ST2515 Operation Manual
Command syntax:
:SYSTem:SAVE <Table NO.1 to 30>, <File name>
<Table NO.1 to 30> = 1 to 30 (NR1), the serial number of file to be saved
<File name> the filename to be saved (no need with suffix.STA, the length of the
file name should be no more than 15 characters)
For example: WrtCmd(“:SYST:SAVE 9 filename”); Save the current parameter setting of the
instrument to No.9 file and set the name of the file as “filename”.
The :SYSTem:LOAD command is used to load the parameter setting file saved.
Command syntax:
:SYSTem:LOAD <Table NO.1 to 30>
<Table NO.1 to 30> = 1 to 30 (NR1) the serial number of file saved
For example: WrtCmd(“:SYST:LOAD 9”); load No.9 file of parameter setting file saved.
NOTE: The file to be loaded must have been saved, otherwise ignore this command!
The :SYSTem:ERRor command sets the output mode of the instrument measurement state error.
The :SYSTem:ERRor? query returns to the current output mode of the measurement state error.
Command syntax:
:SYSTem:ERRor SYNChronous
Where, SYNChronous: set the output mode of the measurement state error as “synchronous”
ASYNchronous: set the output mode of the measurement state error as “asynchronous”
For example: WrtCmd(“:SYST:ERR SYNC”); Set the output mode of the measurement state error
as “synchronous”.
Query Syntax: :SYSTem:ERRor?
Return format: <SYNC or ASYN ><NL^END>
SYNC: the current output mode of the measurement state error is “synchronous”
ASYN: the current output mode of the measurement state error is “asynchronous”
The :SYSTem:EXTernalout command sets the bin output mode of the instrument.
The :SYSTem:EXTernalout? query returns to the current bin output mode.
Command syntax:
:SYSTem:EXTernalout BIN
BIN: set the output of EXT I/O as “bin comparator results”
BCD: set the output of EXT I/O as “BCD code of the measurement results”
For example: WrtCmd(“:SYST:EXT BIN”); Set the output of EXT I/O as “bin comparator results”.