Ventris Dual Reverb Owner’s Manual
Swap Engine
Hold the Option switch and switch from Reverb A to Reverb B.
Release the switch and go back to Reverb A.
Add Engine
Hold the Option switch to add Reverb B to Reverb A (A+B Mode).
Release the switch to return to Reverb A alone.
Hold Other Engine
Add and Hold the trail of Reverb B, while maintaining the undisturbed
reflections of Reverb A. For details and diagrams on the Hold Other Engine function go to the
Reverb Hold Function
Reverb Engine B Controls
Every control option available in the Reverb A block is mirrored in Reverb B block. See the Reverb
Engine A Controls section for detailed explanations the Reverb Engine B Controls.
Dual Mode Controls
While running two reverb engines simultaneously in either Dual Parallel A + B or Dual Cascade A -> B
Modes (see the Dual/Single Mode dropdown menu), it is useful to independently control the levels of
Reverb A, Reverb B, and the dry signal.
Use the Sound Editor’s Level A, Level B, and Analog Dry Level
knobs to create an overall mix for all Reverb A+B presets.
This block also contains two dropdown menus for assigning Dual Mode functions to the OPTION
footswitch. By default the OPTION footswitch will perform whatever function is assigned to Reverb
A, but there are a number of alternate functions available in the dropdown menus.
Spillover Controls
One of the major advantages of the Ventris Dual Reverb’s dual proce
ssor architecture is the ability to
adjust the spillover time when changing from one single engine preset to another. Rather than
abruptly cutting off the reverb tail, spillover allows for a smooth and natural transition between
presets by letting the initial reverb decay naturally. In the case of switching away from a preset with
an extremely long decay time, it can be useful to shorten the final decay with an alternate Spillover
Time. Use the Spillover Time dropdown menu to adjust the decay time, which can be set for up to 20
seconds. (Note: Spillover does not apply when changing to or from a Dual Reverb Mode (A+B).
Kill Reverb Send On Spillover
Click this box to stop the dry signal from going into the reverb preset
you have exited during the spillover period. For example - imagine you are using a preset with an E-
Dome reverb engine that has a very long trail, and you have set the Spillover Time for 15 seconds and
checked the Kill Reverb Send box. When you switch away from that E-Dome preset its reverb trail will
start its decay and no longer respond to the incoming dry signal.
On/Off Status (MIDI Recall)
Use the dropdown menu to select whether a preset is engaged or disengaged upon receiving a MIDI
program change (PC) message. Sometimes it is useful to queue-up a preset in a disengage state that
is accessible by manually hitting the ON/OFF footswitch on the Ventris.