Ventris Dual Reverb Owner’s Manual
Ventris Dual Reverb User Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Ventris Dual Reverb. This powerful stereo reverb pedal features over
20 meticulously crafted reverb engines, dual signal processors, full MIDI functionality, stereo inputs
and outputs, external expression capabilities, and advanced effects editing and signal routing options
via the Neuro Desktop and Mobile App Editors. The pedal features an exceptional collection of rich,
spacious tones, including realistic analog reverbs like Spring and Plate, natural replications of large
and small acoustic spaces, and an intriguing and highl
y musical selection of “unnatural” tones
including Reverse, Swell and Shimmer.
The Ventris contains two completely independent reverb processors, essentially housing a matching
pair of high-powered reverb pedals in a single box. Its dual reverb platform gives the pedal massive
processing power as well as some additional features like unlimited Preset Spillover and the ability to
combine two reverb effects with either parallel, cascading or independent channel signal routing.
The Quick Start guide will help you with the basics. For more in-depth information about the Ventris
Reverb, move on to the following sections starting with Connections. Enjoy!
- The Source Audio Team