Troubleshooting >
Battery Pack
When is my computer using AC power?
When your computer is connected to an AC outlet with the AC adapter, it uses AC power, even if the battery pack is installed.
When should I recharge the battery pack?
Recharge the battery pack when:
The battery pack is running out of power and both the charge and power indicator lights blink.
You have not used the battery pack for an extended period of time.
When should I replace the battery pack?
A message prompting you to replace the battery pack appears when the battery pack reaches the end of its life. You can
check the battery charge capacity with the
function on the
VAIO Control Center
Should I be concerned that the installed battery pack is warm?
No, it is normal for the battery pack to be warm while it is powering your computer.
Can my computer enter Hibernate mode while running on battery power?
Your computer can enter Hibernate mode while running on battery power, but some software programs and peripheral
devices prevent the system from entering Hibernate mode. If you are using a program that prevents the system from entering
Hibernate mode, save your data frequently to avoid losing data. See
Using Hibernate Mode
for information on
how you can manually activate Hibernate mode.