5-39 (E)
1. Install the color meter.
2. Tap the “Configuration” tab.
The Adjust CSC screen is displayed. (The screen example shows 2D screen.)
3. Select the Color Space to be adjusted.
4. Tap
5. Project “Green-1”, “Blue-1” and “Red-1” respectively in the Test Pattern pane. Then, measure the “x”
and “y” values.
6. Project the test pattern in the Test Pattern pane. (Gray8)
7. Measure the “x” and “y” values.
8. Type the measurement results in the Input Color Measurement pane.
9. Tap
10. Check that all differences between respective values and values in the Target Color Gamut pane are
less than
11. If there is any item having the difference of
0.002 or more, perform steps 5 to 10 again.
Screen example
Test Pattern pane
Input Color Measurement pane
Color Space pane