PWS-100RX1 / PWS-110RX1 / PWS-110RX1A
Ver.1.11 or later
Configuring Connection Control Manager Receiver and Output Settings
Receiver settings and SDI output settings
Configure the IP address and UDP ports used to received streaming content by Streaming Receiver.
And, configure the mode for output of SDI signals from the PWS-100RX1 units.
Network storage settings
Use network storage as a file storage destination when saving video images during streaming to a file. Specify network
storage that can be accessed from Explorer.
Connect network storage to the same network as a PWS-100RX1 receiving streaming video. For details about
connection, refer to the manual for the network storage.
On the Connection Control Manager settings screen, specify a folder in network storage as the file save destination.
Specify the file save destination as a network path.
The PWS-100RX1 system drive cannot be specified as a destination.
Related Topic
Launching the Connection Control Manager Admin Screen
Structure of the Streaming Screen
Log in to the Connection Control Manager from a client PC.
Display the Settings screen and click the [RX] tab.
Select the PWS-100RX1 unit you want to configure.
Enter the name of the PWS-100RX1 unit for display in the Connection Control Manager in [Name].
External Host Name: Enter the IP address or host name for accessing the PWS-100RX1 unit from the
Enter the number of the first UDP port used for receiving streaming content from the Internet in [External
Port Range].
Configure the SDI signals to output.
[Resolution]: Select the resolution.
[Frame Rate]: Select the frame rate.
[Ref Lock]: Select the external sync signal used for synchronization. Select [Free Run] if not using a reference
signal to lock the output.
Click [Save RX Settings] to save the settings.