PWS-100RX1 / PWS-110RX1 / PWS-110RX1A
Ver.1.11 or later
Structure of the Streaming Screen
The Streaming screen displays the devices that perform streaming and controls for starting/stopping streaming.
1. Global header
Click the tabs and icons to move between screens.
Streaming: Displays the Streaming screen.
File Transfer: Displays the File Transfer screen.
Settings: Displays the Settings screen.
(Notifications): Displays license status warnings.
(Help): Displays the Help and EULA.
(user name): Logs the user out.
2. Source area
Displays the streaming output devices in thumbnail view or list view.
In thumbnail view, thumbnails, streaming status (Streaming/Unstable/Stopped/Reserved/Disabled/Offline), names of
transmitting devices (camcorder model or XDCAM pocket), and names of receiving devices (PWS-100RX1 units) are
displayed. The transmitting device recording status ([REC] for recording, [STBY] for standby) is also displayed above the
In list view, only the names of transmitting devices and names of receiving devices are displayed.
Online Only checkbox: Displays online devices only.
button: Displays the devices in list view.
button: Displays the devices in thumbnail view.
3. Receiver area
Displays the streaming receiving devices in thumbnail view or list view.
In thumbnail view, thumbnails, streaming status (Streaming/Unstable/Stopped/Reserved/Offline), names of transmitting
devices (camcorder model or XDCAM pocket), names of receiving devices (PWS-100RX1 units), bit rate, and streaming