[Audio] page
This page is used to check/change the audio settings of the MAS-A100.
The settings specific to the Main output and settings that are common to both the Main output and Rec output can be
checked/changed. Check/change Rec output settings using the web UI of the MAS-A100.
[Path 1] input is mandatory. Enter a character string comprising 4 to 16 characters.
Character strings up to 16 characters can be entered in [Path 2] and [Path 3]. If a character string is entered in [Path
3], input in [Path 2] becomes mandatory.
The following characters are valid.
Alphabetic characters
Numeric characters
Symbol characters ( ! “ ‘ ( ) * + - . _ < > )
Character strings entered in [Path 1], [Path 2], and [Path 3] are used by this application as the names of groups
displayed on the [Group] pane for grouping microphones. Normally, MAS-A100 units located within the same room
must have the same entries for [Path 1], [Path 2], and [Path 3].
[Unregister] checkbox
Place a check mark beside MAS-A100 units that you want to unregister from this application.
[Unregister] button
Press to unregister the MAS-A100 units for which a check mark is placed in the [Unregister] checkbox.
Displays error messages for each MAS-A100 if a problem occurs.
[Output level]
Displays the output level using a green audio level bar. This cannot be changed.
[Gain limit]
Displays the gain limit status.
When one lamp is displayed, the microphone gain has reached the limit for suppressing feedback and maintaining
audio quality.
When two lamps are displayed, the microphone gain has exceeded the limit and that audio quality has deteriorated.