5-1-2. File Data at Adjustment
The file structure of the adjustment data of this unit is as follows.
For detail of adjustment data, refer to “Section 7 File System”.
Reference File
The reference file stores the custom paint data adjusted by the video engineer as standard paint data.
The service engineer can store reference file in the camera and USB drive.
The reference file stored in the USB drive (For back up) can be reset after adjustment.
Lens File
Lens file is used for compensating the deviation generated by switching the lens extender from OFF to ON and for compensating
the difference in the characteristics between lenses.
The lens file is saved to a camera.
When adjusting with lens file, mount the lens that customers actually use.
OHB File
OHB file is used for the CMOS block maintenance.
OHB file is saved in the camera.
File data
Total adjustment data