6. Install the removed parts by reversing the steps of removal.
When installing the filter knob, install the filter knob as follows.
(1) Align the position of the filter shaft as follows.
(2) Attach the filter sheet.
(3) Install the front panel assembly.
(4) Align the filter knob number “2” with the inside, and then attach the filter knob.
(5) Apply locking compound (1401B), and then tighten the set screw.
Filter shaft
(Most transparent)
Rotate the filter shaft clockwise to make
the filter most transparent.
Rotate the filter shaft clockwise 90°.
(Confirm that the D cut on the SE-1216 board is
in the position as shown in the figure.)
Filter shaft
D cut
SE-1216 board
Filter shaft
Filter sheet
Filter knob
Apply locking compound (1401B)
half rice grain size.
(The size of a grain of rice means
about 20 μL.)
Set screw
Front panel assembly
Set screw