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7/198 17-LXE 108 566 Uen
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1.6 Regulatory Application Requirements
The application must provide a cover to the module in order to avoid any part of the module to be accessible by the
final user. Chapters 1.7.17 and 2.1 of EN 60950-1.
The cover of the module provided by the application must fulfill the mechanical requirements stated in the standard
EN 60950-1. Chapter 4.2 of EN 60950-1.
The cover of the module provided by the application must fulfill the requirements against fire stated in the standard
EN 60950-1. Chapters 4.6 and 4.7 of EN 60950-1.
The connection of the antenna and the audio lines with the module will not be accessible by the user after the
integration of the module. Chapter 5.2 of EN 60950-1.