SN8P275X Series
8-bit micro-controller build-in 12-bit ADC
Page 129
Version 0.7
MRG Timing Diagram with and without Clock Arbitration (MSPADRR=0x03)
10.8.3 MSP Mater START Condition
To generate a START signal, user sets SEN bit (MSPM2.0). When SDA and SCL pin are both sampled High, MSP rate
generator reload MSPADDR[6:0], and starts down counter. When SDA and SCL are both sampled high and MRG
overflow, SDA pin is drive low. When SCL sampled high, and SDA transmitted from High to Low is the START signal
and will set S bit (MSPSTAT.3). MRG reload again and start down counter. SEN bit will be clear automatically when
MRG overflow, the MRG is suspend leaving SDA line held low, and START condition is complete.
WCOL Status Flag
If user write to MSPBUF when START condition processing, then WCOL is set and the content of MSPBUF data is
un-changed. (the writer doesn’t occur)
START Condition Timing Diagram