Redbox User Handbook No 1
1. Select Input Sources
Select which source you would like to use for both the Main Input and the Aux Input from
the drop down boxes labeled “Main is” and “Aux is” respectively.
2. Select Synchronization Options
Select which sync mode to use from the first drop down box, labeled “Sync Mode Is”. If
“MASTER” is chosen, then simply select your output sample rate from the drop down
box labeled “where sample rate is”. If “AUTO”, “AUTOLOCK” or “SLAVE” are selected, then
a new drop down box labeled “From” will appear which allows the user to select the
synchronization source.
3. Select Trigger And Switch Time Options
Select the trigger level in the first box by typing a value in the box labeled “Trigger level is
minus” and pressing return to confirm. The highest value you can enter is 39 and the lowest
is 84. Please remember that the value entered is actually a negative value.
The switch time (the time it takes for a low level channel to be registered as a failure and
consequently switched to Aux) is determined by the value in the box labeled “Switch time
is”. Again, type a value in the box and press return to confirm it. “2” is the minimum value
accepted, “252” is the maximum.
Please note that if the unit is not in Serial Mode and all front panel time switches are off, you
can set the default delay by typing in the desired value between 2 - 252 in the ‘Switch Time
is’ box and press return.
The Recovery time (the time needed for a level to be confirmed as good after an alarm state)
can be set in the box labeled “Recovery time is” for the main input and the box labeled “and”
for Aux.
There are two tick options that can be selected. Click on the check box to select the option:
Turn off switching
Fail (2 seconds) on loss of lock
4. Select Operational Modes
Select which input is the main input by using the drop down box labeled “Main is”.
Select how the unit will return from failure by using the drop down box labeled “The Unit
Will Return”.
There are four tick options that can be selected. Click on the check box to select the option:
Stereo switching required
Dual mono on loss of one channel - Dual mono the output when the left or right
channel is lost in stereo switch mode
Remote start is momentary, rather than latched
Remote stop required - If remote start is momentary, then remote stop can be